
YLO (Residential Care Services) seeks to shift the current focus of children and young people placed in residential care to one in which their current capacity, goals and needs are addressed to ensure that their potential is maximised. YLO (Residential Care Services) focuses on the following points as central to their practice:

  • Ensuring the safety of the child or young person, their environment and those that are providing their care
  • Assisting the child or young person in developing skills necessary in their ability to manage emotions and behaviour
  • Assisting the child or young person to overcome cyclical patterns that continue to provide distress and impact on their ability to move forward. This largely includes processing issues related to trauma
  • Continued assessment and ongoing evaluation of the child or young person’s needs and the program itself
  • Development of curriculums and plans to ensure the safety and optimal learning opportunities for the child or young person
  • Participation of the child or young person
  • Training, support and supervision to direct care staff to ensure best practice

YLO (Residential Care Services) holds an out-of-home care licence for the provision of residential care placements within the South East and South West regions.

YLO (Residential Care Services) currently provides fee-for-service (CRC-PaS) and grant funded residential placements. These include:

  1. Short Term Accommodation and Goal Enrichment Service (STAGES)
  2. Intensive Residential Care Program

Our Service Aims

The key aims of YLO (Residential Care Services) service provision are to ensure that children and young people are:

  • Safe
  • Are provided with lifestyle guidance, choices and options for change
  • Are supported in developing their sense of being
  • Achieve and develop personal goals
  • Have greater opportunities of success and growth

YLO (Residential Care Services) ensures that all services are provided to children and young people of indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.